Chintan Patel
Chintan Patel is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Tesla Business Unit. He is responsible for growing awareness and driving adoption of GPU Computing products for Supercomputing and Higher Education segments. Prior to NVIDIA, he held product marketing and engineering positions at Micrel, Inc. He holds an MBA from Santa Clara University and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.
Startup Pens Generative AI Success Story With NVIDIA NeMo
Machine learning helped Waseem Alshikh plow through textbooks in college. Now he’s putting generative AI to work, creating content for hundreds of companies. Born and raised in Syria, Alshikh spoke… Read Article
Going Green: New Generation of NVIDIA-Powered Systems Show Way Forward
With the end of Moore’s law, traditional approaches to meet the insatiable demand for increased computing performance will require disproportionate increases in costs and power. At the same time, the… Read Article
World’s Fastest Supercomputers Changing Fast
Modern computing workloads — including scientific simulations, visualization, data analytics, and machine learning — are pushing supercomputing centers, cloud providers and enterprises to rethink their computing architecture. The processor or… Read Article
Superclouds: AI, Cloud-Native Supercomputers Sail into the TOP500
NVIDIA technologies power 342 systems on the TOP500 list released at the ISC High Performance event today, including 70 percent of all new systems and eight of the top 10…. Read Article
From Scientific Analysis to Artistic Renderings, NVIDIA Omniverse Accelerates HPC Visualization With New ParaView Connector
Whether helping the world understand our most immediate threats, like COVID-19, or seeing the future of landing humans on Mars, researchers are increasingly leaning on scientific visualization to analyze, understand… Read Article
Building AI? NGC Sessions at GTC Show How to Accelerate AI Development
From e-commerce to healthcare to agriculture, enterprises across virtually every industry are adopting AI because they know it can help them better serve customers, improve operational efficiency and gain a… Read Article
Changing Times: How the World’s TOP500 Supercomputers Don’t Just Have to Be Fast, But Smart
The world’s fastest supercomputers aren’t just faster than ever. They’re smarter and support a greater variety of workloads, too. Nearly 70 percent of the machines, including eight of the top… Read Article
NVIDIA Expands Support for Arm with HPC, AI, Visualization Containers on NGC
The fastest supercomputers are driven by x86 and Power architectures in conjunction with NVIDIA GPUs. But with sites in China, Europe and Japan working on their first exascale systems powered… Read Article
Japan’s Fastest Supercomputer Adopts NGC, Enabling Easy Access to Deep Learning Frameworks
From discovering drugs, to locating black holes, to finding safer nuclear energy sources, high performance computing systems around the world have enabled breakthroughs across all scientific domains. Japan’s fastest supercomputer,… Read Article