How to Land an Internship at NVIDIA: Inside Tips From a Top Recruiter

by Haley Hirai

Linh Nguyen and her colleagues in the university recruiting team at NVIDIA sort through a plethora of applications each year from top students around the world — all hoping to land an internship and potentially earn a full-time role with the company.

NVIDIA offers internships for roles across the company. The internships offer great benefits, last for at least 12 weeks and are available year-round. They’re an ideal way for students interested in a full-time role at NVIDIA to kick-start their journeys, make an impact through meaningful projects and learn from some of the world’s top tech talent.

Since joining NVIDIA in 2010, Nguyen has grown with the company — she began coordinating operations for university recruiting before becoming a campus recruiter, and now leads the campus management, sourcing and diversity recruiting teams.

Her team is the front line tasked with attracting and hiring NVIDIA’s early-career talent. While most of NVIDIA’s interns are graduate students, NVIDIA offers programs that support students throughout their university careers. For example, the Ignite program recruits university freshmen and sophomores from historically underrepresented communities, and traditional internships are offered for undergraduate upperclassmen, graduate and Ph.D. students.

Thriving in fast-paced and ever-changing environments, Nguyen has always raised her hand for new projects and challenges.

“I’m grateful to so many mentors across the company who have empowered me with opportunities to showcase what I can do,” she said. “I love my job. We’re bringing in the future of NVIDIA — people who will positively impact the future of our world.”

Here are Nguyen’s top tips about how to prepare for an internship at NVIDIA:

What are you looking for in an NVIDIA intern?
Aside from having the relevant technical skills, I look for students who are able to showcase communication, problem-solving and reasoning in alignment with NVIDIA’s innovative mindset. We look for people who can show how they’ve been able to practically apply their skills — whether it’s via extracurriculars, volunteering or coursework.

How can intern candidates stand out?
I’m always impressed by students who have a deeper understanding of our company’s mission and impact, or have firsthand experience using NVIDIA’s technology.

Make sure you truly understand the breadth of NVIDIA’s work and how our technology impacts the world. Knowing what makes you passionate about working here makes you a stronger candidate.

How should students interested in interning at NVIDIA get started?
Start at our University Recruiting Careers page to search for open positions.

Focus is key — go for the two or three roles you’re passionate about and in which you’d make the most impact, instead of applying to 50 that look okay. Look out for opportunities posted on our Careers page starting in the fall.

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