Lauren Finkle
Lauren Finkle (she/her) is a PR manager at NVIDIA. She first joined the company as an intern in July of 2019. Lauren has a B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles. When she’s not at work, she loves spending time with her spaniel Annie, going to the beach, and reading.
NVIDIA Chief Scientist Inducted Into Silicon Valley’s Engineering Hall of Fame
From scaling mountains in the annual California Death Ride bike challenge to creating a low-cost, open-source ventilator in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, NVIDIA Chief Scientist Bill Dally… Read Article
Waste Not, Want Not: AI Startup Opseyes Revolutionizes Wastewater Analysis
What do radiology and wastewater have in common? Hopefully, not much. But at startup Opseyes, founder Bryan Arndt and data scientist Robin Schlenga are putting the AI that’s revolutionizing medical… Read Article
Getting Clever with Kaolin: Researchers Accelerate 3D Deep Learning with New Tools
3D deep learning holds the potential to accelerate progress in everything from robotics to medical imaging. But until now, researchers haven’t had the right tools to easily manage and visualize… Read Article
AI Researcher Explains Deep Learning’s Collision Course with Particle Physics
For a particle physicist, the world’s biggest questions — how did the universe originate and what’s beyond it — can only be answered with help from the world’s smallest building… Read Article
Putting the AI in Retail: Walmart’s Grant Gelvin on Prediction Analytics at Supercenter Scale
With only one U.S. state without a Walmart supercenter — and over 4,600 stores across the country — the retail giant’s prediction analytics work with data on an enormous scale…. Read Article
Mooning Over Selene: NVIDIA’s Julie Bernauer Talks Setting Up One of World’s Fastest Supercomputers
Though admittedly prone to breaking kitchen appliances like ovens and microwaves, Julie Bernauer — senior solutions architect for machine learning and deep learning at NVIDIA — led the small team… Read Article
NVIDIA’s Shalini De Mello Talks Self-Supervised AI, NeurIPS Successes
Shalini De Mello, a principal research scientist at NVIDIA who’s made her mark inventing computer vision technology that contributes to driver safety, finished 2020 with a bang — presenting two… Read Article
Drum Roll, Please: AI Startup Sunhouse Founder Tlacael Esparza Finds His Rhythm
Drawing on his trifecta of degrees in math, music and music technology, Tlacael Esparza, co-founder and CTO of Sunhouse, is revolutionizing electronic drumming. Esparza has created Sensory Percussion, a combination… Read Article
In ‘Genius Makers’ Cade Metz Tells Tale of Those Behind the Unlikely Rise of Modern AI
Call it Moneyball for deep learning. New York Times writer Cade Metz tells the funny, inspiring — and ultimately triumphant — tale of how a dogged group of AI researchers… Read Article